We want people to enjoy their work!
There is nothing worse than dreading going to work.
At Brainco, we support both individuals towards this goal, as well as managers, teams and organisations to create such workplaces.
We love working as a career coach for individuals, consulting managers on improving career development and motivation in their teams and facilitating workshops to achieve motivated teams and employees.
Our work is substantiated by neuro-, social science and psychology, with a bunch of life and work experience and a healthy dose of curiosity.
About Nicolien
I am certified by The NeuroLeadership Institute in Brain-Based Coaching, have my masters degree in Social Science, over a decade of experience working with people and their work or career, from career transition, coaching, business development to learning and development, training and recruitment, and love reading and learning more about people, our brains and how we can find happiness in work.
Want to increase enjoyment in your work or workplace? Let’s have a chat!